Park Road’s logo is symbolic of our belief that faith is about the journey, not the destination.
The four colors of the icon pay homage to the beautiful Alleluia quilt that hangs at the front of our sanctuary and represent the seasons of the liturgical year and the values of our community of faith.
Red is symbolic of active charity, spiritual awakening and represents the Spirit that infuses all we do.
Purple, associated with Advent and Lent, symbolizes faith, patience and the humility that is expressed in our Vision Statement:
“Our vision is a world in which people do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.”
Green symbolizes the freedom to explore faith by making room for doubt and questioning as we travel the individual paths of our journeys of faith. It also represents a commitment to preserve and protect the environment gifted to us by God.
Blue is not a common liturgical color, but at Park Road, it is symbolic of the hope and grace that sustains us during difficult times and the connectedness we feel for one another and for the community in which we live, work, and worship.
The road that traverses the colors of the logo represents spiritual growth during our journey of faith. The Gospel of John says the Spirit will lead us into all truth. A road seems an appropriate metaphor for faith in general and for the people of our church who have chosen to share faith in a community whose theology and practice are always “on the go.”
The winding road suggests that faith is meandering, presenting new scenery and beautiful views, as well as some surprises, joys and sorrows, celebrations and challenges, along the way. The narrowing of the road suggests a never-ending horizon indicative of a journey that will last our entire lifetime.
God told old Abram, the ancestor of our faith, “Go to a land I will show you,” and Park Road’s first pastor loved to say, “Truth is a becoming, not a having.” The destination is not announced. Faith is the journey.
Park Road’s Tagline:
A Progressive Baptist Voice for Charlotte
From its earliest days, Park Road has been Baptist to the core, offering a non-traditional voice, willing to dissent from traditional understandings and practices. That independent spirit seemed organic to Park Road, like something born not made.
We strive to be a church in the best sense of that word: a community, open to all and gathered to support and care for one another, and a community that is open to the prophetic voice, which challenges individuals and organizations, systems and governments.
“We strive to be a church in the best sense of that word: a community, open to all and gathered to support and care for one another...”
Park Road expressly welcomes all people, into full membership, participation, and leadership including communion, baptisms, ordinations, weddings, and funerals. We are a welcoming and affirming community of faith committed to creating a safe space for LGBTQIA+ members, while encouraging all to live as their authentic selves.
Park Road is proud to be one voice among many faith communities in Charlotte that preach a similar message of welcome and inclusion. We celebrate like-minded friends in the Baptist tradition as well through our interfaith connections.
Going forward, Park Road remains committed to preserving the independent spirit that has defined us in the past and will help us in the future to more fully embrace the love of God and the Way of Jesus, which enliven our vision of faith.