Adult Connection Groups
These groups meet throughout the week/month at various times and on various schedules. The primary function of each group is listed.
These adult groups are open to both members and non-members. If you would like to know more about these and other activities at Park Road, please contact the church office (704-523-5717) for more details about our offerings.
Each group welcomes anyone and everyone.
In addition to the groups listed below, Park Road also offers a variety of Sunday Morning Connection Groups which meet Sundays from 9:45 to 10:45 A.M. You can see a complete listing of those opportunities at this link.
Bible Study & Fellowship
Focus: A discussion of Bible passages and related faith issues for seniors; meets the first and third Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m.
Demographics: Seniors, co-ed
Curriculum: The Bible
Facilitator: Russ Dean
Location: Room 503 of the Community Center
Focus: Mission and ministry effort using various sewing, knitting and other fabric opportunities including Prayer Shawls, quilts, and pillow-case dresses and uniforms for girls in Haiti to provide comfort and care for those in need; meets the second Tuesday of each month at 10 a.m.
Demographics: Anyone
Facilitator: Sally Silden
Location: Youth Building
Senior Exercise (Flexercise!)
Focus - Join this fun group for low-impact/stretch exercise and good conversation! This is a perfect way to connect with friends during the week and take care of yourself at the same time. Every Monday and Thursday morning at 9 a.m.
Demographics: Seniors, co-ed
Facilitator: Robert Mullis
Location: Community Center gymnasium
Very Special People (VSP)
Focus: Senior adults from the Park Road neighborhood enjoy lunch and fellowship together on the third Thursday of each month (September-May) at noon in the Community Center. Occasional day trips are also planned.
Demographics: Seniors, co-ed
Facilitator: Max Carroll
Location: Helt Hall
Focus: This group meets occasionally.
Demographics: High school graduate to thirty-somethings, co-ed
Curriculum: Various Biblical or faith-based resources
Facilitator: TBD
Location: Various Homes throughout Charlotte. To receive updates join Park Road Young Adults on Facebook.
Unhoused People Ministries
Focus: There are a lot of good things happening in missions at Park Road and many ways for you to get involved! Sign up to help here.
Demographics: Anyone
General - Dan McClintock
Room in the Inn - Dan McClintock and Jim Niell
Uptown Men's Shelter Lunch - Dan McClintock
Charlotte Family Housing - Dan McClintock
supporting our schools
Focus: Park Road has made a commitment to assist a local Title I elementary school - Starmount Academy - in a variety of ways throughout the year. Park Road members assist students as tutors, help with landscaping projects at the school, and provide assistance with Christmas gifts for the underserved students - among many activities.
Demographics: Anyone interested in helping students
General - Dan McClintock
Backpack Snacks - Dan McClintock
Book Drive - George Miles
Park Road Sanctuary Choir
Focus: Our choir meets for practice Wednesday nights at 7:30 in the Choir Room.
Demographics: Anyone
Facilitator: Bob Pritchard, (Interim) Director of Music
Bible Study & Fellowship
Senior Stretch Exercise (Flexercise)
Very Special People (VSP)
Supporting Our Schools
Community Garden