Please Hold us in the Light

Please Hold us in the Light

There is much that needs to be said, that needs to be addressed, that needs to be changed, and I am prayerful that our work in Charlotte might stand as an example across the country.

Kim Davis:  Blinded by Belief

Kim Davis: Blinded by Belief

So bless Mrs. Davis for her conviction.  But as we say in the South “bless her heart.” Once again religion has blinded the religious from seeing that God has “more truth yet” to shine on us (John Robinson). And thanks be to God for a secular democracy – unbearably slow though it sometimes is.

The jury is still out. But the verdict is in.

I think of my nation, still divided, still judging one another not by the content of character, but by the color of skin. I think that there are a lot of very complicated factors in this case, but what I know is that this mostly comes down to America’s Original Sin, and unless and until we can finally own it and engage the very hard work of healing we’ll always be waiting on a jury…

Donald Trump and the Demise of Decency

Donald Trump and the Demise of Decency

I’m told that Trump’s appeal is his honesty. Finally, they say, a politician who actually speaks his mind instead of all that politically correct drivel.   Am I alone in preferring a little discretion from those who will lead us?  If your “honesty” makes you that poor a role model and such an embarrassment to the values of decency and respectability, common courtesy and just basic good manners – it should also disqualify you from being taken seriously in the public and political arenas. 

We deserve so much better.   

The Unlikely Story of a Progressive Baptist Church

The Unlikely Story of a Progressive Baptist Church

Amazingly, Park Road has stayed together, committed to the idea that uniformity of belief is not what should hold us together  - in fact, such a conformity would be contrary to that Baptist spirit!   As a result, Park Road exists as a Christian community, dedicated to openness and individuality, and committed to being community, even within a community that is diverse in theological and political convictions.

What are we afraid of?

What are we afraid of?

Fear is at the center of our lives – and living in fear is a terrible way to live.  Fear drives international policy-making. Fear drives discussions of budgeting priorities. Fear drives marketing and politics and the priorities of time and money in local households.   What if we weren’t afraid?

Time with Mary

Time with Mary

I want to tell you about the best three hours I’ve spent lately.  

Mary, who has walked the grounds at 3900 Park Road since there’s been a church on that corner, suddenly found herself dying, alone. I can’t bear that thought. So on Tuesday, I sat. Most of the time she didn’t even know I was there. I’m pretty sure that didn’t even matter.

Why SCOTUS Got it Right

Why SCOTUS Got it Right

But as our past history proves, humans have over and again made terrible, egregious, truly sinful errors when speaking for God, and this fact should caution us to walk with a little less sanctimony and dogmatic certainty about the making of any law that will govern our lives.

An Illusion of Peace

An Illusion of Peace

But something has changed. I believe this. I believe that we are about to engage in a critically important, and extremely difficult, national conversation about the racial injustices inherent in our society.   I am not afraid of the conversation that is coming.   And it is coming – and all churches need to be involved in it. It’s too important, and the integrity of our faith will require it. 

Fear Will Not Keep Us Away

Fear Will Not Keep Us Away

Tomorrow we will gather. As usual. We need to be gathering more. Not less. In Charleston, in a church, the people gathered for Bible study and for prayer. They will keep gathering - and so will we. 

My Response to the Response

My Response to the Response

Clearly, a great many people share my concerns and yearn for a more positive, inclusive, and compassionate voice from The Church. It makes me sad that this is such a pervasive sentiment.

Nostalgia, gratitude, and the most important job I've ever had

Nostalgia, gratitude, and the most important job I've ever had

It is the job of all parents to teach their children about faith. And those who are members of churches have chosen to tackle that job in community,.  I believe that is the best decision you could have made. And I wonder, when your children graduate, will you be able to list all these things in which your children have participated that have helped to guide and mold them into faithful disciples? I hope so. Parenting is the most important job you will ever have.

Meditation 5.13.15

Meditation 5.13.15

It is better to lose heaven than to lose the nearness of God! For “Our Father, who art in heaven” means precisely “Our Father, who art present here on earth.” 

Baltimore and Our Collective Soul

Baltimore and Our Collective Soul

The collective soul of America is broken.  So when a Baltimore episode erupts into flame, why are we so surprised? Our collective soul needs healing.

He is Risen!   So What?

He is Risen! So What?

 I can’t think of a better Easter message than to decide to accept all people as children of God.  Period.  God is the God of all.  That is the Easter message.  But are we ready to go from Easter service living like we believe it?