Recent and UPcoming at Park Road...
Choral Concert
The Seven Last Words of Christ
March 29th, 4pm
Park Road Baptist Church
Please join us on Palm Sunday afternoon for a dramatic musical performance of Jesus' seven last words. This event will feature choirs from four churches with over 70 singers, accompanied by a musical ensemble.
Feature performers include good friends of Park Road, Sam and Terri McKelton, Jan McCoy and our own Monty Bennett. Robert Kennedy will conduct.
Joining the choir from Park Road Baptist Church will be choirs from St. Luke Lutheran, Cokesbury United Methodist, and The Church of the Holy Comforter in Sumter, SC.
Theodore Dubois (1837-1924) has rarely received the praise due him as a composer. Lost in the shuffle between his glorious predecessors (Berlioz and Gounod) and his more famous contemporaries (Saint-Saëns, Franck and Fauré), Dubois nevertheless strove to produce lasting religious and secular compositions. The Seven Last Words Of Christ is likely his most enduring (and endearing) work. Written in Paris in the year 1867, it was played there annually at the Eglise de la Madeline until 1965. Since that time it has become a staple of many Canadian parishes where it’s played, in whole or as excerpts, in its traditional form.
Invite your friends and family!
David Silden Brass Ensemble and Park Road Baptist
Church Present
Charlotte Tuba Euphonium Ensemble
SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 2015
The Charlotte Tuba Euphonium Ensemble is a dedicated group of low brass instrumentalists who enjoy reading music written or arranged specifically for the tuba euphonium ensemble. The group is one that evolved out of the David Silden Brass Ensemble during the early 2000's. They have meet throughout the years for reading sessions. The ensemble includes professional, amateur, college and advanced high school performers throughout Charlotte, North Carolina and the surrounding area.
Besides music written specifically for the tuba euphonium ensemble, the group also reads classical transcriptions, jazz, and popular arrangements. The ensemble supports new music by commissioning and premiering pieces written specifically for the tuba euphonium ensemble.
The Charlotte Tuba Euphonium Ensemble has performed at the Deep South Brass Band Festival, Pine Mountain, Georgia in 2010 and South East Regional Tuba Euphonium Conference (SERTEC) 2011 in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and will be performing at SERTEC 2015 on March 20, 2015 at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. This year's ensemble is comprised of 8 euphoniums and 6 tubas.
More information about the group can be found at the David Silden Brass Ensemble website ( or by contacting
Rev. Patrick Earl, SJ
Pastor, St. Peter Catholic Church
Wednesday April 15th - 6:30P
Rev. Patrick Earl of St. Peter Catholic Church will lead us in a conversation about Pope Francis, and how his fresh perspective is changing the Roman Catholic church as well as the implications for the worldwide religious conversation (ecumenical and interfaith).
Like Pope Francis, Father Pat is a Jesuit which leads him to feel a special pride and spiritual kinship with the new Pope. During his talk, Father Pat will help us understand Pope Francis's apostolic exhortation, “The Joy of the Gospel”, as an insightful entrée into the mind, heart and spirit of the world's most recognized and influential religious leader.
Join us as Father Pat provides us with an “insider’s” view of a Pope that has fascinated and energized both Catholics and non-Catholics alike.
Wednesday April 15th - 6:30pm. For 5:30pm dinner reservations, please call the church office by Tuesday the 14th at noon. (704) 523 5717. Free and open to the public.
Father Patrick Earl, SJ
St. Peter Catholic Church
Charlotte, NC
Breaking Bread Together:
Intergenerational Opportunities
Would you like to get to know members of our church family on a 1-on-1 basis? Small groups will gather to break bread together—at someone’s home, at a restaurant, at the church—the group’s choice. The Intergenerational Retreats Team Committee asks you and your family to commit to one night between January and April to get to know each other. Share experiences, learn about each other and enjoy each other’s company.
Sign-up sheets are in the Community Center Lobby, or contact the church office before December 31. Small Groups will be formed and details will follow.
Karen Burgess
Views and Brews April 7th - 8pm
Join Park Road as we discuss current events in a more casual setting. We meet the first Tuesday on each month at Sir Edmund Halley's Pub in the Park Road Shopping Center. The setting may be casual but the topics are serious and we have a chance to speak openly and honestly about some of the post important issues of our day. And we have fun. 8pm
Open to members and non-members. Visitors are always welcome. We'd love to meet you!
Hello, World!